CENTRO MEDICO POLISPECIALISTICO PORTA A TERRA - Via Giotto Ciardi, 8 -57121 Livorno (LI) - Italy VAT Reg No . 01621650496 | Tel. +39 0586 260496 - Cell. +39 329 5730153 | Fax. +39 0586 405443 | centroac@hotmail.it |
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A fundamental in the planning of treatment and implantology, the Dentascan Cone Beam is a very high-definition radiographic technique. It produces special cone-shaped X-rays to give the dentist a 3D image of the oral cavity. A diagnostic imaging tool requiring team interventions. Centro Medico Polispecialistico Porta a Terra srl has the sophisticated machinery to perform this radiological technique, that is so highly appreciated by patients, not only because the exposure time is very short (about 25), but also because it is completely transparent and comfortable.
CENTRO MEDICO POLISPECIALISTICO PORTA A TERRA - Via Giotto Ciardi, 8 -57121 Livorno (LI) - Italy VAT Reg No . 01621650496 | Tel. +39 0586 260496 - Cell. +39 329 5730153 | Fax. +39 0586 405443 | centroac@hotmail.it |