CENTRO MEDICO POLISPECIALISTICO PORTA A TERRA - Via Giotto Ciardi, 8 -57121 Livorno (LI) - Italy VAT Reg No . 01621650496 | Tel. +39 0586 260496 - Cell. +39 329 5730153 | Fax. +39 0586 405443 | centroac@hotmail.it |
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One of the most valuable tools for the prevention of uterine cancer, the pap test is a quick and painless test that every woman between 25 and 65 should perform at least once every three years. The pap smear is a cytological screening tool (generalized diagnostic investigations), that is, it serves to analyze the cells taken through a sample of uterine mucosa, to verify any anomalies. The gynecologist is to determine which and how many diagnostic tests are advisable.
CENTRO MEDICO POLISPECIALISTICO PORTA A TERRA - Via Giotto Ciardi, 8 -57121 Livorno (LI) - Italy VAT Reg No . 01621650496 | Tel. +39 0586 260496 - Cell. +39 329 5730153 | Fax. +39 0586 405443 | centroac@hotmail.it |