CENTRO MEDICO POLISPECIALISTICO PORTA A TERRA - Via Giotto Ciardi, 8 -57121 Livorno (LI) - Italy VAT Reg No . 01621650496 | Tel. +39 0586 260496 - Cell. +39 329 5730153 | Fax. +39 0586 405443 | centroac@hotmail.it |
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Between conscious and unconscious, the psychic and mental processes of the individual are at the center of our clinical psychology studies. Perspective, which is subjective and intrapersonal, is based on the dialogue between patient and therapist. Of fundamental importance therefore is that the psychologist is prepared with in-depth sector studies and enrolled in the professional register. Centro Medico Polispecialistico Porta a Terra srl doctors are qualified for the profession and selected on the basis of certain criteria as well as their previous experience. The socio-environmental difficulties of the patient are therefore entrusted to qualified personnel who, with adequate psychoanalytic therapy, will be able to direct the patient to find out for himself the tools to understand better in order to lead to a resolution of personal problems.
CENTRO MEDICO POLISPECIALISTICO PORTA A TERRA - Via Giotto Ciardi, 8 -57121 Livorno (LI) - Italy VAT Reg No . 01621650496 | Tel. +39 0586 260496 - Cell. +39 329 5730153 | Fax. +39 0586 405443 | centroac@hotmail.it |