CENTRO MEDICO POLISPECIALISTICO PORTA A TERRA - Via Giotto Ciardi, 8 -57121 Livorno (LI) - Italy VAT Reg No . 01621650496 | Tel. +39 0586 260496 - Cell. +39 329 5730153 | Fax. +39 0586 405443 | centroac@hotmail.it |
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Endodontics deals with problems related to the pulp of the tooth, consisting of the cellular component, the vessels and the nerves. In general, for example, it is when a tooth arrives at the pulp of the tooth that one notices its presence, because there is pain. This is the moment when you go to the dentist. Physicians specializing in this discipline of dentistry generally act in two ways: either with root canal treatment, commonly called devitalization, or via surgery. The first objective of the endodontists doctors of the Centro Medico Polispecialistico Porta a Terra srl is to save the affected tooth with the minimum invasiveness and the most beneficial result, but also within a certain period of time.
CENTRO MEDICO POLISPECIALISTICO PORTA A TERRA - Via Giotto Ciardi, 8 -57121 Livorno (LI) - Italy VAT Reg No . 01621650496 | Tel. +39 0586 260496 - Cell. +39 329 5730153 | Fax. +39 0586 405443 | centroac@hotmail.it |