CENTRO MEDICO POLISPECIALISTICO PORTA A TERRA - Via Giotto Ciardi, 8 -57121 Livorno (LI) - Italy VAT Reg No . 01621650496 | Tel. +39 0586 260496 - Cell. +39 329 5730153 | Fax. +39 0586 405443 | centroac@hotmail.it |
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Testicular (or scrotal) ultrasound is aimed at male subjects of any age, since the problems related to the male genital area can be diverse in nature and not necessarily connected with the patient's personal data. A volumetric and morphological evaluation of the testicles and of the spermatic canal can be performed, without pain and in just a few minutes, by means of an ultrasound probe resting on the interested part.
CENTRO MEDICO POLISPECIALISTICO PORTA A TERRA - Via Giotto Ciardi, 8 -57121 Livorno (LI) - Italy VAT Reg No . 01621650496 | Tel. +39 0586 260496 - Cell. +39 329 5730153 | Fax. +39 0586 405443 | centroac@hotmail.it |